Results for 'Héctor Guajardo Lazo'

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  1. La noción del derecho positivo.Héctor Guajardo Lazo - 1956 - México,:
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    Pietro Barcellona y sus compromisos: de la política del derecho a la democracia como forma de vida.Héctor Claudio Silveira Gorski & Roberto Bergalli - 2000 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 34:221-246.
    En esta contribución se analizan dos grandes períodos de la obra intelectual de Pietro Barcellona. El primero se corresponde con sus originarias reflexiones sobre los distintos usos del derecho, en el sentido de la transformación-adecuación de las instituciones y del ordenamiento jurídico italiano de la postguerra con los principios de la Constitución de 1948. De este primer período hay que destacar sus investigaciones sobre el uso alternativo del derecho y de los lazos de funcionalidad existentes entre el Estado, la economía (...)
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  3. Thinking, Language, And Experience.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1989 - Minneapolis: University Of Minn Press.
    Thinking, Language, and Experience was first published in 1989.Hector-Neri Castañeda's intricate and provocative essays have been widely influential, especially his work in epistemology and ethics, and his theory on the relation of thought to action. The fourteen essays in Thinking, Language, and Experience -- half of them written expressly for this volume -- demonstrate the breadth and richness of his recent work on the unitary structure of human experience.A comprehensive, unified study of phenomena at the intersection between experience, thinking, language, (...)
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    Agent, Language, and the Structure of the World: Essays Presented to Hector-Neri Castañeda, with His Replies.Hector-Neri Castañeda, James B. Tomberlin & James E. Tomberlin - 1983 - Ridgeview Publishing Company.
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  5. The Normative Requirement of Means-End Rationality and Modest Bootstrapping.Luis Cheng-Guajardo - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (3):487-503.
    “Myth theorists” have recently called the normative requirement of means-end rationality into question. I show that we can accept certain lessons from the Myth Theorists and also salvage our intuition that there is a normative requirement of means-end rationality. I argue that any appeal to a requirement to make our attitudes coherent as such is superfluous and unnecessary in order to vindicate the requirement of means-end rationality and also avoid the problematic conclusion that persons ought to take the means to (...)
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    Responsibility Unincorporated: Corporate Agency and Moral Responsibility.Luis Cheng-Guajardo - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (275):294-314.
    Those who argue that corporations can be morally responsible for what they do help us to understand how autonomous corporate agency is possible, and those who argue that they cannot be help us maintain distinctive value in human life. Each offers something valuable, but without securing the other's important contribution. I offer an account that secures both. I explain how corporations can be autonomous agents that we can continue to be justified in blaming as responsible agents, but without it also (...)
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  7. HEGELIAN INTERVIEWS by hegelpd with Héctor Ferreiro.Hector Ferreiro - 2020 - “Hegelian Interviews” by HEGELPD (Classical German Philosophy – University of Padova Research Group).
  8.  22
    Reseña de 'Mark Fisher: Los espectros del tardocapitalismo'.Víctor Berríos Guajardo - 2023 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 14 (1):213-217.
    Germán Cano Gedisa Barcelona, 2023 149 páginas ISBN: 978-8419406002.
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  9. El concepto de verbo en la tradición gramatical española.Herman Carvajal Lazo - forthcoming - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España].
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    (1 other version)Patients Are from Mars, Doctors Are from Venus: Patients Prefer Placebos and Paternalism; Doctors Don't.Isabella Guajardo - forthcoming - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine: An International Journal.
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  11. Technological knowledge in disability design / Ashley Shew - The effects of social networking sites on critical self-reflection.Ivan Guajardo - 2020 - In Andrew Wells Garnar & Ashley Shew (eds.), Feedback Loops: Pragmatism about Science and Technology. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Yo vivo de mi propio crédito: Inmortalidad y transvaloración.Víctor Berríos Guajardo - 2019 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 10 (2):91-112.
    En 1888, Nietzsche se presenta a la humanidad antes del gran asalto: La transvaloración de todos los valores. Se lamenta de no ser reconocido, de ser confundido, de no ser visto ni oído por otros. Por eso, decide autopresentarse a través de un libro que intenta mostrarlo como capaz de realizar y soportar la propia transvaloración. El resultado: un libro peculiar e incomprensible, para muchos la obra de un delirante. Pero es también, para nosotros, la obra que muestra a un (...)
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    Construcción, esquematismo e imaginación, de J. Michael Young.Efraín Lazos - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 14:222-236.
    Construcción, esquematismo e imaginación, de J. Michael Young.
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    La igualdad de oportunidades y acciones positivas en América Latina: ámbitos de mayor incidencia.Xiomara E. Lazo Fuentes - 2006 - In López de la Vieja & Ma Teresa (eds.), Bioética y feminismo: estudios multidisciplinares de género. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
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    Value, Time, and Existence: Debates in The Ethics of Killing Animals.Robert Lazo - 2017 - Journal of Animal Ethics 7 (2):190-197.
    In this article, I review The Ethics of Killing Animals, discussing its relevance in the contemporary debate and critiquing its authors’ discussion of time. The book covers a multitude of topics, including value theory, identity, the replaceability argument, a Kantian deontological approach to animal rights, and the political rights of nonhuman animals. In particular, the work focuses on three debates: Whether or not happiness and suffering should be symmetrically or asymmetrically weighted in moral considerations; whether or not nonhuman animals conceive (...)
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    Exploitation.Constanza Carolina Guajardo Ortega - 2023 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 42 (2):225-249.
    This paper aims to offer a definition of excessive profit for cases of exploitation. Most of the literature that aims to identify cases of exploitation focus on determining a fixed price, and suggests that profit is excessive when individuals deviate from this price. More recently, Joe Horton has proposed an indifferent benchmark between transacting with a vulnerable party and not transacting with her. After arguing against the existing focus on prices, the paper proposes an alternative approach to exploitation which focuses (...)
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    Theology without metaphysics: God, language, and the spirit of recognition.Kevin Hector - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Therapy for metaphysics -- Concepts, rules, and the spirit of recognition -- Meaning and meanings -- Reference and presence -- Truth and correspondence -- Emancipating theology.
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    Economic Sanctions and Just War Theory.Constanza Guajardo, Fernando Arancibia & Alejandra Marinovic - 2024 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (1):141-154.
    In this paper we distinguish, from other sanctions, specific targeted sanctions—namely those imposed on particular individuals and sanctions on goods that facilitate the violation of human rights. We ask if these sanctions satisfy the three of the principles of Just War Theory (JWT): chance of success, proportionality and discrimination. We argue that while there is not enough empirical evidence to make a claim about specific targeted sanctions and chance of success, these sanctions do meet the principles of proportionality and discrimination, (...)
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    Demonios con entendimiento. Política y moral en la filosofía práctica de Kant.Efraín Lazos - 2009 - Isegoría 41:115-135.
    El ensayo estudia dos fuentes de tensión en la idea kantiana de sociedad: por un lado, la tensión configurada por las conexiones y diferencias entre la moral y la política; y, por otro, las tensiones entre dos relatos o líneas argumentales que dominan los textos kantianos, los relatos trascendental y teleológico. La propuesta del ensayo es que tales tensiones pueden atenuarse con un sesgo particular, esto es, enfatizando el relato trascendental y la tesis de la primacía de la moral, frente (...)
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    Ontology and grammar: I. Russell's paradox and the general theory of properties in natural language.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1976 - Theoria 42 (1-3):44-92.
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    Yoga mysticism for modern man.Hector Bonarjee - 1972 - Chichester,: Janay Publishing Co..
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  22. El idealismo subjetivo del cogito: Entre la metafísica medieval y el fin de la metafísica.Héctor Ferreiro - 2008 - Apuntes Filosóficos 33:65-76.
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    Yo soy mi propio doble. Escritura y tipología en Ecce homo.Víctor Luis Berríos Guajardo - 2018 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 9 (1):97-114.
    En 1885, Nietzsche decide volver a publicar sus antiguos libros para los cuales escribirá prólogos. En ellos, Nietzsche desarrolla una terapéutica del presente, esto es una escritura que realiza un diagnóstico del presente, en donde lee síntomas de su época. Posteriormente, en 1888, Nietzsche escribirá un texto muy particular, Ecce homo, en el cual, mediante la escritura terapéutica, se elabora como filósofo del futuro que intenta superar su época. Así, Nietzsche nos relata cómo ha llegado a ser el que es, (...)
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    A bronze dikast's pinakion in Oxford.Hector W. Catling - 1969 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 93 (2):571-573.
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    Hospitality, Coercion and Peace in Kant.Efraín Lazos - 2018 - In Johannes Rohbeck, Daniel Brauer & Concha Roldán (eds.), Philosophy of Globalization. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 327-344.
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    Human papillomaviruses in oncogenesis.Pedro A. Lazo - 1988 - Bioessays 9 (5):158-162.
    Papillomaviruses, long associated with benign skin tumors, have been linked more recently to human cancers, particularly to cervical carcinoma. Molecular analysis of the virus has identified the transforming gene and its regulation by both viral and cellular trans:‐acting factors. This viral regulatory mechanism is altered in carcinomas. However, lack of progress in developing an in vitro system has hampered investigation of the viral life cycle and the biology of the virus‐‐host: cell interaction.
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    Review Animals in the Classical World: Ethical Perspectives from Greek and Roman Texts Harden Alastair Palgrave Macmillan New York, NY.Robert Lazo - 2015 - Journal of Animal Ethics 5 (1):106-108.
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    Sehnsucht as Signpost: The Autobiographical Impulse of C. S. Lewis.Andrew Lazo - 2022 - Perichoresis 20 (3):33-53.
    For half a century, readers of C. S. Lewis had only two problematic and at times obscure spiritual autobiographies to use in attempts to understand Lewis’s journey to faith through what he called Joy, Sehnsucht, or longing. Both books, though important and full of key insights, in some ways hid more than they revealed. Recent discoveries, however, have widened the arc of autobiography. Lewis’s landmark pre-Christian account of his conversion to theism, ‘Early Prose Joy’, published in 2013, monumentally widened and (...)
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    Sobre los tratados de Kästner.Efraín Lazos - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 14:35-43.
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  30. El debate sobre las vías de la existencia de Dios.Adrián Carlos Lozano Guajardo - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (151):47.
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    Joanna Kopaczyk: The Legal Language of Scottish Burghs: Standardization and Lexical Bundles 1380-1560, 2013: Oxford Studies in Language and Law, Oxford University Press, xvi + 337 pp , £50, ISBN: 978-0-19-994515-3.Hector MacQueen - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (4):875-878.
    One of the most striking experiences of my early days as a postgraduate student of medieval Scots law was an encounter with a twelfth-century charter which, apart from being written in Latin, might have served as a model or template for the land transfer documents which I had learned how to draft the previous year in the undergraduate class called Conveyancing. Alliterative thoughts came into my head—conveyancing, conservatism, consistency, continuity—but also the question of when this seeming stability was first achieved, (...)
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    Audiovisual narratives about the case Spain’s stolen babies.Carmen Marta-Lazo & Ana Mancho-Iglesia - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (3):253-272.
    The critical discourse analysis is the tool used in this article, to study how audiovisual media have constructed mental representation about the historical facts occurred in Spain between the final stage of the Spanish Civil War and the late 1980s: the theft of newborn babies. The State has failed in an attempt to establish policies that support truth, justice and reparation as it has been recalled by United Nations experts to the Government of Spain, and the reports and documentaries have (...)
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  33. El consumo televisivo responsable en elniño.Carmen Marta Lazo - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 73.
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  34. Encyclopedic spirit and technical mentality.Hector Ariel Feruglio Ortiz - 2023 - Culturas Cientificas 4 (1):03-17.
    Este trabajo tiene como propósito aportar algunos elementos para una reflexión sobre los procesos de industrialización en la provincia de Catamarca - Argentina en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Para orientarnos en esta dirección partiremos del proyecto de una enciclopedia genética propuesta por el filósofo Gilbert Simondon cómo propuesta de abordaje. Luego analizaremos el espíritu enciclopédico presente en los escritos económicos de Federico Schickendantz y Samuel Lafone Quevedo estructurados como máquinas de enseñar. Por último, presentaremos la descripción de dos (...)
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  35. Individuation and Non-Identity: A New Look.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1975 - American Philosophical Quarterly 12 (2):131 - 140.
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  36. Self-Love in Logic-Based Therapy.Ivan Guajardo - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 7 (1):61-78.
    The phenomenon of self-love elicits conflicting reactions. Some believe it is the key to happiness, while others are skeptical. This essay defines self-love as wholehearted concern for one's well-being, argues that it does not imply selfishness, arrogance, or vanity, discusses reasons to value self-love, and describes ways Logic-Based Therapy can be used to help people love themselves.
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  37. Una revisión de la condicionalización bayesiana.Rodrigo Iván Barrera Guajardo - 2021 - Culturas Cientificas 2 (1):24-54.
    La epistemología bayesiana tiene como concepto capital la condicionalización simple. Para comprender de buena forma cómo opera esta regla, se debe dar cuenta de la concepción subjetiva de la probabilidad. Sobre la base de lo anterior es posible esclarecer alcances y límites de la condicionalización simple. En general, cuando esta regla enfrenta una dificultad se hacen esfuerzos por resolver dicha particular cuestión, pero no es usual encontrar propuestas unificadas con la intención de resolver varias de las complicaciones subyacentes al bayesianismo (...)
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  38. Envy in Logic-Based Therapy.Ivan Guajardo - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 8 (1):138-154.
    Contemporary research offers a more compelling account on the complex emotion of envy than the traditional view of envy as simply something bad. This essay explains how Logic-Based Therapy can use this account to coach individuals struggling with negative species of envy. Given that jealousy and envy are often equated, the essay differentiates the two; explains the conditions that make the four species of envy possible; identifies cardinal fallacies associated with negative species of envy; proposes counteractive virtues, and describes ways (...)
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    Conditional entailment: Bridging two approaches to default reasoning.Hector Geffner & Judea Pearl - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 53 (2-3):209-244.
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    Heterogeneidad y dependencia sintética. Más sobre Kant y el (anti)conceptualismo.Efraín Lazos - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 47:47-69.
    Este ensayo discute los vínculos entre dos tesis provenientes de la Doctrina trascendental de los elementos, en la Crítica de la razon pura, de Immanuel Kant. La primera es que las intuiciones y los conceptos son representaciones de naturaleza distinta, y se conoce como la tesis de la heterogeneidad. La segunda, llamada tesis de la dependencia sintética, es que las intuiciones dependen de la actividad sintética del entendimiento. La propuesta principal del ensayo es que ambas tesis solo son conciliables si (...)
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    Making believers out of computers.Hector J. Levesque - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 30 (1):81-108.
  42. Indicators and Quasi-Indicators.Hector-Neri Castaneda - 1967 - American Philosophical Quarterly 4 (2):85--100.
  43.  91
    Universal Basic Income: when (if at all) is there parasitic exploitation?Constanza Guajardo - 2023 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 54:9-30.
    Abstract:In this paper I focus on parasitic cases of exploitation in the case of UBI. I start by arguing that existing concepts of parasitic exploitation in the literature are over inclusive, since they label as cases of parasitic exploitation some cases that are not. Then I offer my own narrower framework of parasitic exploitation, which includes three conditions: built-in mechanisms, structural vulnerability and non-proportionality. I suggest that exploitation happens when agents misuse a system to obtain additional profit at the potential (...)
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    Perception, Belief, and the Structure of Physical Objects and Consciousness.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1977 - Synthese 35 (3):285 - 351.
    We have now provided an overall simple theoretical account of the structure of perceptual experience proto-philosophically examined in Part I. The next task is to find the proper logical machinery to formulatte those accounts rigorously.
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    Leibniz and Reductionism of Spatial Relations.Efrain Lazos - 2016 - Praxis Filosófica 43:185-200.
    Este trabajo discute la teoría del espacio de Leibniz en el contexto de suconcepción metafísica según la cual las propiedades extrínsecas de unasubstancia se fundamentan, en últimas, en sus propiedades intrínsecas. Enparticular, el artículo sostiene que la teoría leibnizeana de las relacionesespaciales se compagina difícilmente con su principio de identidad, segúnel cual no hay diferencia cuantitativa que no sea a las vez una diferenciacualitativa. La propuesta es que la teoría de Leibniz cae presa del siguientedilema: o bien el espacio no (...)
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  46. (1 other version)'He': A study in the logic of self-consciousness.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1966 - Ratio 8:130-157.
  47. A Computable Universe: Understanding and Exploring Nature as Computation.Hector Zenil - unknown
    A Computable Universe is a collection of papers discussing computation in nature and the nature of computation, a compilation of the views of the pioneers in the contemporary area of intellectual inquiry focused on computational and informational theories of the world. This volume is the definitive source of informational/computational views of the world, and of cutting-edge models of the universe, both digital and quantum, discussed from a philosophical perspective as well as in the greatest technical detail. The book discusses the (...)
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    Ist Es Vernünftig, Moralisch Zu Handeln?Héctor Wittwer - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Main description: Verbreitet ist die Auffassung, dass es vernünftig ist, moralisch zu handeln, weil es unvernünftig ist, gegen moralische Normen zu verstoßen. Gegen diese Ansicht vertritt der Autor die These, dass es immer vernünftigerweise erlaubt ist, moralisch zu handeln, dass aber im Falle eines Konflikts zwischen Klugheitsgründen und moralischen Normen sowohl die moralische als auch die unmoralische Handlungsweise vernünftigerweise erlaubt sind.
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    Kommentar.Hector Canal - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 10 (1):83-91.
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    Proper Names, Personal Pronouns, and Free Variables.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1990 - In Klaus Jacobi & Helmut Pape (eds.), Thinking and the Structure of the World / Das Denken Und Die Struktur der Welt: Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemic Ontology Presented and Criticized / Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemische Ontologie in Darstellung Und Kritik. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 207-210.
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